Fill It or Spill It

Archive for March, 2013|Monthly archive page

Monster Mash

In New Jersey on March 24, 2013 at 9:40 pm


Another beer from Brian Boak and BOAKS Beer.  If you have read earlier posts, you will know that I’ve had the opportunity to hang out with Brian and talk beer.  Subsequently, I’ve had the chance to run into Brian at a few different beer events and gotten to chat about beer.  One of the first beers we talked about was Monster Mash.

Monster Mash is a Russian Imperial stout, so it pours black.  There wasn’t a whole lot of head, but it had a fair amount of tan creamy head and dissipated almost completely.  At 10% ABV, this will definitely be a beer you sit and hang out with for a while.

The aroma had a good maltyness to it, accompanied with some dark chocolate aroma.  There was a little bit of alcohol in the nose, but surprisingly not as much as you would expect for double digit ABV.

The taste is strong chocolate upfront  along with a little coffee roastyness to it.  There was some dark chocolate dryness in the finish with  a good amount of bitterness.  It is a pretty easy drink with all the bold flavors going on and the alcohol is hidden well.

Verdict: Fill It!  My introduction to BOAKS was a few years ago at the Great International Beerfest in Secaucus, NJ and that first beer was Monster Mash.  It turns out, a lot of people are introduced to BOAKS by Monster Mash and that’s a good first impression.  Brian Boak recently unveiled some aged Monster Mash at an anniversary party, which must have been a real treat for the folks that got to try some.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t make it, so it looks like I’ll have to age some myself.  We’ll see if the bottles make it that long.

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